It was a lovely weekend at Covernotes Tea and Coffee House in Richmond Hill. We had lots of visitors. There were many familiar faces and some new faces too. Thank you to everyone that stopped by to see my work.
For those of you too far away to visit I hope you will enjoy these photos. If you are interested in any of the paintings please let me know. All are now available for sale.
These two sold during the weekend. The new owners kindly allowed me sharing their comments about the artwork with you all.
'We went on this life long dream vacation to Africa this last spring for our Golden Wedding Anniversary celebration and your pen and ink 'The Touch of love' just captures EVERYTHING about that special time and our lifelong love for each other. It might only be 11 by 14 inches framed but, to us it is HUGE in the emotion it conveys.' Nancy
'I have suffered from Depression for years and at times feel like a huge cloud hangs over me. Your painting 'After the Storm' gives me such hope each time I look at it. However heavy those dark clouds may feel there can be such colour awaiting us if we just plough through. I am putting this piece of work up in my bedroom so that its the first thing I see each day and the last thing at night to remind me of that message. Thank you for reminding me that hope and light and colour and strength and power is just behind those clouds.' Han
Thank you for all the e mails, messages and phone calls about the weekend and my work. They touch my heart.
So great to see you. Your work is amazing
Thank you for making the long trip to see me Sandra