Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Journey of Creation

After nearly a month without painting it feels so good to have my brushes in my hands again and to begin another journey of creation. I hope you will enjoy coming on the journey with me.

James took this photo of me earlier this evening well after the light had faded. I was just putting the finishing touches to the background section of the painting and was illuminated only by the strip of halogen lights above me. I have also inserted a separate photo of just the painting so far in the top left side so you can see it more clearly. I wanted to create the atmosphere of a misty morning sunrise in the background. It's sort of symbolic really because in any creative journey, however much you plan, you often have to take a leap of faith and head off into the unkown. It's scary sometimes but very exciting too.

I can't wait for tomorrow when I can continue on my journey of creation.  Hope you like the photo.



  1. I love the mist in the valleys. You have really captured this so well

