Never belittle a child's game of pretend because everything we take for granted today like our computers, TV's, phones and cars and even the airplanes we use to fly around the world in, began in someone's imagination. While reality has defined limits, imagination is boundless. Our imaginations can be used not just to escape reality, but to create it and shape it's future. So be the master of your fate, the captain of your soul. Imagine, Believe and you WILL Achieve!
I had so much fun with this. Steampunk is an eclectic world of steam, goggles, cogs and rivets. It is a playground for adventure, spectacle, drama, escapism and exploration so it seemed fitting that I used this style for this painting. Fitting too the I share the finished painting today as it is Victoria day here in Canada and Steampunk's origins are in the Victorian Era. Happy Victoria Day!
Transparent Watercolour 22.5 by 18 inches