His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!"
Christmas Eve is a time full of magic and wonder for everyone but especially for young children. The twinkling lights and shiny baubles which glow, sparkle and shimmer have this baby entranced. His beloved Teddy is discarded for the moment in favor of a colourful Santa bauble which he has pulled from the tree. As he looks in wonder at this bauble he is unaware that a very special visitor has arrived.
This is the last of the Christmas paintings for this year. It is painted in watercolor on fabriano hot press paper and is 12 by 18 inches. I am sure the series will continue next year.
This is the last of the Christmas paintings for this year. It is painted in watercolor on fabriano hot press paper and is 12 by 18 inches. I am sure the series will continue next year.